Dear Children and Grandchildren,

I have enjoyed the Word of God more than I ever have since I am no longer preaching 3 or 4 times a week and am not pressed for time. Some times I find things I'd like to share with all of you, or some of you individually. With your mother's encouragement I'd like to start a "Bible Blog" and share some of my thoughts with you. Last night I told Joanna that I opened a can of "Pork and Beans" for supper, (your mother is in Arizona helping Becky while Adam recuperates from a serious operation) but I found no pork so I renamed it "Beans and Beans". With a hearty laugh she wondered if I had "looked under every bean?' I trust what I send you will have some "pork" but if you find it to be only "beans" just push the delete button.

Ps.119:168 "I have kept Thy precepts and Thy testimonies: for all my ways are before Thee," As you were growing up one of the things I was careful to emphasize in our daily devotions was that the time would come when you would no longer be under the eye of Mom and Dad but you would never be out of sight of God's eye. What an encouragement we find here to keep God's Word. "all my ways are before Thee,"

"Experience makes many a paradox plain, and this is one. Before God we may be clear of open fault and yet at the same time mourn over a thousand heart-wanderings which need his restoring hand."--C.H. Spurgeon

"I may hide Thee from my eye, but not myself from Thine eye."--Wm. Gurnall

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Politicians running for office like to ask if you are better off materially than you were a year ago. I would like to ask each of you that same question with a one-word change. Are you better off spiritually than you were a year ago? Peter tells us to "beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." Of course there must be life before there can be growth. A few weeks ago I wrote you about desiring the milk of God's Word like newborn babes (I Peter 3:1-3). Look it up on my blog and read it again. Now I want you to examine yourselves as to your growth in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How can you know if you are growing in grace?

1. FALSE WAY--A. Compare yourself with people worse than yourself (II Cor. 10:12). Make your standard low enough and you can be satisfied. B. Base it on activity--a child is more active than an adult.

2. TRUE METHOD--Base it on the tests of growth found in the Word of God. I Corinthians 3:1 speaks of those who are still babes in Christ and have to be fed milk when they are unable to eat meat. Consider the following four comparisons of physical babies and spiritual babies.

1) Unstable-II Peter 3:16 "..they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction.” I have seen this firsthand in some of you on the question of "Christian liberty,” using that to justify sinful behavior. Unstable--changeable, easily depressed, frightened, discouraged, panicky, questioning the love of God.

2) Understanding, knowledge, discernment--"tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine”(Ephesians 4:14). The first victim of the latest cult is always a babe. New teaching comes along and they are tossed like a cork on a wave.

3) Interest in self--a child likes to be the center of the circle and if not checked by parents, it will become more subtle as they get older. Talks of self, its activities, wonderful things they have experienced, what they have done, seen, etc.

4) Child loves the spectacular, exciting, Disneyland, circus, thrills, excitement, itching ears (II Tim. 4:3), video games, more interested in gifts (I Corinthians 12). Contrast the picture Paul gives us in I Corinthians 13. Measure your growth in the Lord here! Longsuffering, kind, doesn't envy, doesn't vaunt itself, is not puffed up, doesn't behave unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil,.... bears, believes, hopes, endures all things.

How do you measure up? Has there been any growth in these areas since a year ago?

My love be with you all in Christ Jesus, Dad

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Joy and Peace in Believing"

Dear Family,

"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”--Filled "with all joy and peace in believing." What better hope could I have for each of you at this time of year?

About 25 years ago when my brother turned from the "faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3), he gave me his copy of the Trinity Hymnal. I have used it in my devotions ever since. We also use it in our weekly meetings here in Hoonah. My hymn for today was Charlotte Homer's, "He Lifted Me.” It is taken from Psalm 40:1: "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." This has been one of my favorite hymns over the years as it describes my own experience well.

"In loving kindness Jesus came My soul in mercy to reclaim, and from the depths of sin and shame Thru grace He lifted me.

“He called me long before I heard, Before my sinful heart was stirred, But when I took Him at His word, Forgiv'n he lifted me.
“His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn, When from my guilt and grief forlorn, In love He lifted me.

“Now on a higher plane I dwell, And with my soul I know 'tis well; Yet how or why, I cannot tell, He should have lifted me."

The Refrain: "From sinking sand He lifted me, With tender hand He lifted me, From shades of night to plains of light, O praise His Name He lifted me."


Monday, December 15, 2008

"Take heed to yourselves" Luke. 21:34

Dear Kids,
You may remember as you were growing up I always preached a message about this time of year with warnings about Christmas and New Year's. I will give you a few excerpts from some of those messages. You will probably relate to them better now since many of you have families of your own and the temptation to excess will be greater.

“Take heed to yourselves, lest at anytime your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and the cares of this life..." (Lk. 21:34) You don't need to let me know that Jesus is speaking here of His return and that I am taking this out of context. Even so, I want you to know there is never a time when it is safe or right to be spiritually careless. We must “take heed” to ourselves at all times, in all circumstances, and in all seasons lest at anytime our hearts be overcharged, i.e., weighed down, burdened, with the "cares of this life."

I don't think the Lord had in mind in this passage that we become ascetics. We must have legitimate contact with this world we live in. Feasting with food, drink, and the cares of this life are some of the wonderful things we see done in the midst of festivity in the Bible. The first miracle of Jesus was performed at a wedding. Matthew threw a real shindig (Lk. 5:29) and our Lord used it to make a wonderful statement (vv. 31, 32). Jesus ate and enjoyed feasting along with the publicans and sinners. Levi probably had caviar, shrimp, and lobster, and if he did, Jesus no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the feast. The devil didn't make our taste buds, the Lord did.

One time your mother and I were invited to a feast where there supposedly were 200 millionaires from New York City in attendance. We thoroughly enjoyed most of the expensive exquisite dishes that were offered, without a twinge of guilt on our conscience. Caviar was not to my liking, especially when I was dipping into it and the guy next too me said, "That's about the cost of a trip to Europe.” That night I enjoyed some delightful conversations with Deists and others as I witnessed of my faith in Christ.

No, Jesus is not teaching asceticism here; He is warning about excessiveness:

>eating too much until your mind becomes dull and your prayers lifeless, your feasting becoming gluttony, crippling your spiritual life;

>going into debt or spending more than you can afford on gifts
your heart becoming "overcharged" or “anxious” (same root word) about "many things" like Martha in Lk.10:38;

>wives and mothers losing out in the next 10 days by being weighed down with cooking, baking, and serving being careful that what is a legitimate concern does not become promoting your reputation as I remember it often was among my Pennsylvania Dutch mother and her relatives;

>husbands and dads making an innocent pastime into an occasion to sin by watching too much football which can make make eternity less real or desirable.

My prayer is that on January 2 we will all be able to say that this has been a wonderful holiday season and that we are closer to the Lord than when it began.

“Be careful lest at anytime your hearts be overcharged…with the cares of this life."

Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Dad

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Appetite Spoilers

Dear Kids,

Your mother and I are safely back in Hoonah. Cheyne and family are busy building our "mansion on the hill.” Carey is doing the wiring, and today the in-floor propane heating system is being installed. Since the people in town can look up and see the lights at this dark time of the year, many drive up the mountain to "gawk." We hope to be in it by April. We have to be out of our rental by then.

While in Tucson I brought three messages from I Peter 2:1-3 on desiring the Word of God and appetite spoilers. I'm sure you will remember my concern about eating candy, etc., before mealtime and spoiling your appetite for the good meals your mother had prepared. I'm wondering how many of you do not "as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the Word"--I mean a real desire to read your Bible because it is a living word and not just words lying dead on the page. Perhaps the problem is that you may not have "tasted that the Lord is gracious."

Just before I left for Parris Island in 1952, my great grandfather, Mennonite bishop James Saylor, came to see me and had me promise to read the Bible every day while I was serving in the Marine Corp. Then before I boarded the bus in Johnstown my mother handed me an armor-plated New Testament to wear over my heart to stop bullets in Korea. Then we were all issued New Testament Bibles by the U.S. government in boot camp. Plenty of encouragement to read wouldn't you think? I would pull out my New Testament, and since I didn't smoke (we were also issued cigarettes which I traded for candy), I read my New Testament when the "smoking lamp was lit." I had no desire or liking for it but read it to keep my promise.

On September 2, 1954, while returning home on the troopship General A. E. Anderson, I tasted that the Lord was gracious" (1 Peter 2: 3). I read the Bible all the next day--it had become a living book! I was "born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God which LIVETH and abideth for ever" I Peter 1:23. It has been my delight to read every day these 54 years since that day. If you know you "have tasted that the Lord is gracious" but don't have a desire to read your Bible, it may be you are having a problem with one or more of the appetite killers in verse 1. This has gotten long or I would expand on each of the five listed there. Any of those will spoil your appetite for the Word of God.

By His Grace, Dad

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Prayer and Debt

Dear Family,

Your mother and I are about to get back in the air. We are scheduled to fly back to Hoonah on Thursday, Dec. 4. Adam is much better than he was when I arrived five weeks ago. He has gone from about 135 to 155 lb, There is no more sign of infection and the fever is gone. He still has to receive nutrition through an IV for 10 hours a day, but he is able to prepare messages and preach again. He will have to have tubing hooked up on the inside in the near future but that should be minor compared to what he has already gone through. Your mother has been taking a great deal of the family responsibility in helping Becky for over 4 months, counting the birth of Samuel in April, and she needs a rest. There are 7 children ranging from 7 months to 9 years. Both Adam and Becky will need your prayers as the healing continues.

Yesterday I preached here for the last time. I preached on a familiar theme to you. "Praying according to the prayers in the Bible". Laying out your arguments before the Lord. My text was Numbers 13 and 14 and how Moses interceded for Israel when the Lord said that He would "smite them with pestilence, and disinherit them" in 14:12. I also told how, back in 1960, your mother and I decided not to go in debt and only let the Lord know our needs. I gave 2 or 3 examples of the Lord's faithfulness over the last 50 years. I'm sure this was a new concept to many of them but it should not be to you. When you were still "in the nest" I read many of the Christian classics to you in our family devotions. The one that influenced us the most on the fore mentioned topic was by A.T. Pierson on the life of George Mueller. If you don't have it, buy it and read it again. Although much of our country seems to think the government (taxpayers) should bail them out when their debts exceed their ability to pay, that is not Christian. The Lord will not bless you if you take that route. If you can't pay for it you don't need it! "My God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Too often our wants have become our needs. If you have lost funds recently don't let that rob you of peace. “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

With Prayer and Thanksgiving, Dad

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blemishes in Christian Character No.7

Here is the seventh blemish in Christian Character listed in one of John Newton's letters:

"QUERULUS wastes much of his precious time in declaiming against the management of public affairs; though he has neither access to the springs which move the wheels of government, nor influence either to accelerate or retard their motions. Our national concerns are no more affected by the remonstrances of Querulus, than the heavenly bodies are by the disputes of astronomers. While the newspapers are the chief sources of his intelligence, and his situation precludes him from being a competent judge either of matters of fact, or matters of right, why should Querulus trouble himself with politics? This would be a weakness, if we consider him only as a member of society; but if we consider him as a Christian, it is worse than weakness: it is a sinful conformity to the men of the world, who look no farther than to second causes, and forget that the LORD REIGNS. If a Christian be placed in a public sphere of action, he should undoubtedly be faithful to his calling, and endeavor by all lawful methods to transmit our privileges to posterity: but it would be better for Querulus to let the dead bury the dead. There are people enough to make a noise about political matters, who know not how to employ their time to better purpose. Our Lord's kingdom is not of this world; and most of his people may do their country much more essential service by pleading for it in prayer, than by finding fault with things which they have no power to alter. If Querulus had opportunity of spending a few months under some of the governments upon the Continent (I may indeed say any of them) he would probably bring home with him a more grateful sense of the Lord's goodness to him, in appointing his lot in Britain. As it is, his zeal is not only unprofitable to others, but hurtful to himself. It embitters his spirit, it diverts his thoughts from things of greater importance, and prevents him from feeling the value of those blessings, civil and religious, which he actually possesses: and could he (as he wishes) prevail on many to act in the same spirit, the governing powers might be irritated to take every opportunity of abridging that religious liberty which we are favored with above all nations upon earth. Let me remind Querulus, that the hour is approaching, when many things, which at present too much engross his thoughts and inflame his passions will appear to him as is what is now transacting among the Tartars or Chinese."

Kids, given our present political climate this may the most needed of the blemish warnings. Read it carefully. Let me know what you think.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blemishes in Christian Character No. 6

"A Christian, by tenor of his high calling, is bound to avoid even the appearance of evil; and should as free as possible from every inconsistence and blemish."

“Blemish No. 6. CURIOSUS is upright and unblameable in his general deportment, and is no stranger to the experience of a true Christian. His conversation upon these subjects is often satisfactory and edifying. He would be a much more agreeable companion, were it not for an impertinent desire of knowing everybody's business, and the very grounds of every hint that is occasionally dropped in discourse where he is present. This puts him upon asking a multiplicity of needless and improper questions; and obliges those who know him, to be continually upon their guard, and to treat him with reserve. He catechises even strangers, and is unwilling to part with them till he is punctually informed of all their connections, employments, and designs. For this idle curiosity he is marked and avoided as a busy-body; and they who have the best opinion of him, cannot but wonder that a man, who appears to have so many better things to employ his thoughts, should find leisure to amuse himself with what does not at all concern him. Were it not for the rules of civility, he would be affronted every day: And if he would attend to the cold and evasive answers he receives, or even to the looks with which they are accompanied, he might learn, that, though he means no harm, he appears to a great disadvantage, and that this prying disposition is very unpleasing.”

One of the Pennsylvania Dutch words I remember from my childhood is "Goonernoss." As I remember the meaning it fits Curiosus perfectly. I can still hear my mother say, "Don't be a goonernoss." I hope none of you kids can be accused of being a "goonernoss.” You may have forgotten, but I often told you to never listen to any conversation or read any writing that was not meant for you. I can honestly say that has been my practice over the years.

I trust you all had a good Lord's Day, DAD

Friday, November 21, 2008

Blemishes in Christian Character No. 5

Dear Kids,
After reading about No. 4 and being on time, I'm sure many things must have come to mind, like the people who were always late for church, or your mother risking your lives driving to our Christian school in Littleton because she didn't want to pay the 25 cent fine I imposed on teachers for being late. I'm glad your memories don't include your dad ever being late! I give this introduction to remind everyone that the purpose John Newton had in mind was that we might ask ourselves if they are found in us? If we find ourselves guilty of any of these inconsistencies, he says, “It would be well if we could be made sensible of them, and of their ill effects, as that we might earnestly watch, and strive, and pray against them.”

“Blemish no. 5. CESSATOR is not chargeable with being buried in the cares and business of the present life to the neglect of the one thing needful; but he greatly neglects his station. Had he been sent into the world only to read, pray, hear sermons and join in religious conversation, he might pass for an eminent Christian. But though it is to be hoped, that his abounding in these exercises springs from a heart-attachment to divine things, his conduct evidences that his judgment is weak, and his views of his Christian calling are very narrow and defective. He does not consider, that waiting upon God in the public and private ordinances is designed, not to excuse us from the discharge of the duties of civil life, but to instruct, strengthen, and qualify us for their performance. His affairs are in disorder, and his family and connections are likely to suffer by his indolence. He thanks God he is not worldly minded; but he is an idle and unfaithful member of society. Of such, the apostle has determined that, if any man will not work, neither should he eat.”

I am reminded of my years sitting under the preaching of Dr. Bob Jones Sr. He gave us a lot of good practical down-to-earth advice. What comes to mind here is that we were not to be so heavenly minded that we were no earthly good!

Stay close to Him, Dad

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blemishes in Christian Character No. 4

Okay, so you are courteous, and not thought of by others as proud, dogmatic or self important (1). You know when to speak, and when to keep silent, and would never never betray a trust with an unbridled tongue (2). You are generous with your money and could never be accused of driving a hard bargain at a yard sale. When you go out to eat, waiters and waitresses vie for your table because they know there will be a generous tip under the tract you leave them (3).

Let's go on to no. 4. “VOLATILIS is sufficiently exact in performing his promises in such instances as he thinks of real importance. If he bids a person depend upon his assistance, he will not disappoint his expectations. Perhaps he is equally sincere in all his promises at the time of making them; but for want of method in the management of his affairs, he is always in a hurry, always too late, and has always some engagement upon his hands with which it is impossible he can comply: yet he goes on in this way, exposing himself and others to continual disappointments. He accepts, without a thought, proposals which are incompatible with each other, and will perhaps undertake to be at two or three different and distant places at the same hour. This has been so long his practice, that nobody expects him till they see him. In other respects he is a good sort of man; but this want of punctuality, which runs through his whole deportment, puts everything out of course in which he is concerned, abroad and at home. Volatilis excuses himself as well as he can, and chiefly by alleging, that the things in which he fails are of no great consequence. But he would do well to remember, that truth is a sacred thing and ought not be violated in the smallest matters, without an unforeseen and unavoidable prevention. Such a trifling turn of spirit lessens the weight of a person's character, though he makes no pretensions to religion, and is still greater in a professor.”

May His grace and peace be your portion tonight, To my Children, Grandchildren, Friends and those who were my Friends before I began this series. DGDRAF

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


No problem with Austerus and Humanus?? See how you fare with No. 3?

PRUDENS, though not of a generous natural temper, is a partaker of that grace which opens the heart, and inspires a disposition to love and good works. He bestows not his alms to be seen of men; but they who have the best opportunities of knowing what he does for the relief of others, and of comparing it with his ability, can acquit him in good measure of the charge which another part of his conduct exposes him to. For Prudens is a great economist; and though he would not willingly wrong or injure any person, yet the meannesses to which he will submit, either to save or gain a penny in what he accounts an honest way, are a great discredit to his profession. He is punctual in filling his engagements; but exceedingly hard, strict, and suspicious in making his bargains.* And in his dress, and every article of his personal concerns, he is content to be so much below the station in which the providence of God has placed him, that to those who are not acquainted with his private benefactions to the poor, he appears under the hateful character of a miser, and to be governed by the love of money which the Scripture declares to be the root of all evil, and inconsistent with the true love of God and of all saints.

*Proverbs 20: 14 comes to mind here-"It is naught, it is naught saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way he boasteth." DGDAF

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blemishes in Christian Character No. 2

Dear Family,

Well, how did you fare with Austerus? It made me wish I could have another run. John Newton seemed to know me. If you escaped Austerus without a problem see how you do with Humanus?

"Humanus is generous and benevolent. His feelings are lively, and his expressions of them are strong. No one is more distant from sordid views, or less influenced by a selfish spirit. His heart burns with love to Jesus, and he is ready to receive with open arms all who love his Saviour. Yet with an upright and friendly spirit, which entitles him to the love and esteem of all who know him, he has not everything we would wish in a friend. In some respects, though not in the most criminal sense, he bridleth not his tongue. Should you, without witness or writing, intrust him with untold gold, you would run no risk of loss; but if you intrust him with a secret, you thereby put it in the possession of the public. Not that he would wilfully betray you, but it is his infirmity. He knows not how to keep a secret; it escapes from him before he is aware. So likewise as to matters of fact: in things which are of great importance, and where he is sufficiently informed, no man has a stricter regard to truth; but in the smaller concerns of common life, whether it be from credulity, or from a strange and blameable inadvertence, he frequently grieves and surprises those who know his real character, by saying the thing that is not. Thus they to whom he opens his very heart, dare not make him returns of equal confidence; and they who in some cases would venture their lives upon his word, in others are afraid of telling a story after him. How lamentable are such blemishes in such a person!"

During our years in Japan our children grew up with this definition of FRIENDSHIP tacked to our kitchen door.

Oh, the comfort--the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words--but pouring them
All right out--just as they are--
Chaff and grain together--
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them--
Keep what is worth keeping--
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away. ---Dinah Craik

Dad, GrandDad and Friend, Grace be to each of you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Dear Family,

For the next seven days I am going to use my devotional to reveal blemishes in Christian men and women as portrayed by John Newton, the author of Amazing Grace. I have none of you in mind but I have seen much of myself a number of times. I would suggest, along with Newton, that you not work to find "improprieties of conduct" among your families or Christian friends but carefully examine whether you cannot, in one or the other of them, find some traces of your own features. Newton states " A Christian, by the tenor of his high calling, is bound to avoid even the appearance of evil; and his deportment should not only be upright as to his leading principles, but amiable and engaging, and as free as possible from every inconsistence and would be well if they could be made so sensible of them, and of their ill effects, as that they might earnestly watch, and strive and pray against them." Newton states, "though I speak of men only, counterparts may doubtless be found among the women."

No. 1. AUSTERUS is a solid and exemplary Christian. He has a deep, extensive, and experimental knowledge of divine things. Inflexibly and invariably true to his principles, he stems with a singularity the torrent of the world, and can neither be bribed nor intimidated from the path of duty He is a rough diamond of great intrinsic value, and would sparkle with a distinguished luster, if he were more polished: but though the Word of God is his daily study, and he prizes the precepts as well as the promises, more than thousands of gold and silver, there is one precept he seems to have overlooked; I mean that of the apostle, BE COURTEOUS. Instead of that gentleness and condescension which will always be expected from a professed follower of the meek and lowly Jesus; there is a harshness in his manner which makes him more admired than beloved; and they who truly love him, often feel more constraint than pleasure in his company. His intimate friends are satisfied that he is no stranger to true humility of heart; but these are few. By others he is thought proud, dogmatic, and self important; nor can can this prejudice against him be easily removed, until he can lay aside that cynical air which he has unhappily contracted.

Not a problem for you? Your time is coming!! DGDAF

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PSALM 123:4 - Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.

PSALM 123:4 - Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.
"They are in easy circumstances; they are easy in heart through a deadened conscience, and so they easily come to mock at holiness...their conceit of themselves is boundless. Such men take things easily, and therefore they scorn the holy carefulness of those who watch the hand of the Lord. They say 'Who is the Lord that we should obey His voice?' and then they turn round with a contemptuous look and sneer at those who fear the Lord...Pride is both contemptible and contemptuous. The contempt of the great ones of the earth is often peculiarly acrid: some of them, like a well- known statesman (politician) are masters of gibes and flouts and sneers, and never do they seem so much at home in their acrimony as when a servant of the Lord is the victim of their venom....Let us bear our share of this evil which still rages under the sun, and let us firmly believe that the contempt of the ungodly shall turn to our honor in the world to come: even now it serves as a certificate that we are not of the world, for if we were of this world the world would love us as its own."

These words of Spurgeon fit much of the rhetoric I heard since last Tuesday's election. I believe the Christian who boldly stands for his faith will soon be tested much as stated here.

We are thankful for the many kind, encouraging emails this week. Let us pray for one another. Grace to you; DGDAF ($5 To the first one to figure out my sign-off!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

The King’s Heart…Prov. 21:1

Dear Family and Friends,

On this Veteran's Day I have been thinking of the freedoms we enjoy because of those who have given years of their lives in the service of our country and of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Most of us who are older are missing a family member, a relative, a friend, or someone we served with who didn't come back from a war. I wrote you on my last blog about the elections. The sacrifices made by our veterans made it possible for us to cast our vote last Tuesday. For you who were disappointed in the outcome do not ever forget God is still on the throne and "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of waters: He turneth it whithersoever He will." Proverbs 21:1
"All the abilities, powers, and instincts, that are found amongst creatures, are emanations from His fulness. All changes, successes, disappointments ---all that is memorable in the annals of history, all the rising and falls of empires, all the turns in human life, take place according to His plan. In vain men contrive and combine to accomplish their own counsels. Unless they are parts of His counsel likewise, the efforts of their utmost strength and wisdom are crossed and reversed by the the feeblest and most unthought-of- circumstances. But when He has a work to accomplish, and His time is come, however inadequate and weak the means He employs may seem to the carnal eye, the success is infallibly in the hands of the potter. Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints.!" Rev. 15:3

I extracted this quote from a book I am reading, Letters of John Newton, the author of "Amazing Grace." Grace be to all of you, Dad

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday's election in the light of Daniel 7 and Acts 4

Dear Family,

"They lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, 'Lord Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and sea, and all that in them is: Who by the mouth of Thy servant David hast said, 'WHY DID THE HEATHEN RAGE, AND THE PEOPLE IMAGINE VAIN THINGS? THE KINGS OF THE EARTH STOOD UP, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST THE LORD, AND AGAINST HIS CHRIST.' ....For to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy counsel determined before to be done. and now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak Thy word."

Were you disappointed in the election results? When I watched the news with the heathen raging and the people imagining vain things, the kings standing up and the rulers gathering together from all over the world to praise one who was speaking great words against the most High and wearing out the saints of the most High, and thinking to change times and laws.(Daniel 7:25) I rejoiced in the promise in verse 27, "The kingdom and dominion, and greatness of the kingdom under the whole of heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. I just "happened" to be reading in Daniel for my O.T. devotional reading and in Acts in the N.T. on the same day I watched the masses worship the "messiah", and he, with a nod, acknowledging their homage. Jesus is coming! Perhaps soon! If there ever was a time to be ready it is today. If He should tarry, you, and your children will pay a terrible price if you stand true to Biblical principles. My great regret is I'll probably not be here to stand with you!

Grace be with all of you, Dad

PS I send a blog to my kids on a regular basis but I thought I'd add some of you on my tonight's list since I'm sure you are concerned about the state of our nation. Thank you who have been sending me your e mails leading up to the election. Obama is doing whatsoever the Lord and His counsel determined before to be done! "Every Knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord"!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ps. 121:1, 2 – Help from above

Dear Family,

I'm back in business with a new Mac. My-6-year-old Mac went out on me the day before I left for Tucson. As soon as I got here, Mom and I went to the Mac store and purchased a new one. We are hooked into the TV cable network which is very fast. The new computer along with rapid returns make it a pleasure to be on line. I am helping Adam with the preaching while he heals and gets his strength back. Mom is caring for, and teaching the kids as Becky is very busy taking care of Adam and running her book business. We are house sitting in a large beautiful home. A wealthy Christian lady who is a friend of Adam and Becky said we can stay here while we help them, or until it sells as it is on the market. We were able to purchase a 2000 Cadillac at a good price from an elderly couple who have taken extremely good care of it. It is the nicest car I've ever driven. When we are able to finish responsibilities here we hope to take a trip back east and visit family and relatives. Cheyne has been going all out on the house he is building. He was to finish the roof today. He has to get the windows and doors etc. in yet. Then the electricity and plumbing before Dec. 6, when the heating system is scheduled to be put in. Daulton (13) has been a great help! Cheyne and Ronda will spend the winter working on the inside. It is about 6,000 sq. feet! Three floors I overlooking the harbor and boats. The view of the ocean and mountains is spectacular!

From my message last week on Ps. 121:1,2 "Help comes to saints only from above, they look elsewhere in vain: let us lift up our eyes with hope, expectancy, desire, and confidence. Satan will endeavour to keep our eyes upon our sorrows that we may be disquieted and discouraged; be it ours firmly to resolve that we will look out and look up, for there is good cheer for the eyes , and they that lift up their eyes to the eternal hills shall soon have their hearts lifted up also. The purposes of God; the divine attributes; the immutable promises; the covenant, ordered in all things and sure; the providence, predestination, and proved faithfulness of the Lord--these are the hills to which we must lift up our eyes, for from these our help must come. It is our resolve that we will not be bandaged and blindfolded, but will lift up our eyes." C.H. Spurgeon

"In the agony of a troubled conscience always look upwards unto a gracious God to keep thy soul steady, for.looking downward on thyself thou shalt find nothing but what will increase thy fear, infinite sins, good deeds few, and imperfect: it is not thy faith, but God's faithfulness thou must rely upon; casting thine eyes downwards on enough to make thee giddy, stagger, and reel in despair. Ever therefore lift up thine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh thy help, never viewing the deep dale of thy own unworthiness, but to abate thy pride when tempted to presumption."--Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) in "The Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience"

Sorry this is so long but it was such a blessing to me in my devotions that I shared it with your mother and she urged me to preach on this text on Sunday morning. I have been looking back and down too much, finding little help there. I'm determined to look up to the place "whence cometh my help." I trust this will encourage you to do the same.

Grace Be With Each of You Dad

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Psalm 119:147,148 - Crying to the Lord before the dawn and in the night watches

Dear Family,

This morning my meditation in the Psalms was Psalm 119:145-152. I was impressed by the Psalmist crying with his whole heart (1) and crying for the Lord to save him.(2) Then he cried as he "prevented' the dawning of the morning and then the night watches, that he "might meditate in Thy word", Before dawn this morning one of you called me with a question about something I had marked in an old Bible I had given away. Knowing that you were up while it was still dark and reading your Bible brought joy to my heart. Several years ago when several of you were working together on a project I had a call from a man you were working with. I told him about my concern for your physical safety, but even more for your spiritual welfare because you were working from early morning until dark in order to get the job done in the time allotted for the project. He said I was not to worry about…for he saw a light on in his room each morning long before he had to go to work. I hope there is a light on in each of your rooms before you go out to face the world, and that you meditate in God’s word before you sleep.

I was preaching in a conference in Japan years ago and was put up in a dormitory with a group of young men. We all talked a while and when I crawled into bed one of the young men said: "aren't you going to pray before you go to sleep?". How does the preacher answer that? Someone had taught those boys well! I got back up from my bed on the floor, and bowed my head and prayed! Charles Bridges said in his excellent commentary on Ps. 119, "What a standard of enjoyment would it be, with our last thoughts in the night watches, to leave as it were our hearts with Him, and to find them with Him in the morning, awaking as with our hearts in heaven!…The lukewarmness and our want of spiritual enjoyment may often be traced to that morning indolence, which throws the day into confusion....

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each of you, Dad

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Dear Family.

I am reading Letters of John Newton for the second time this year. I keep wanting to share much of it with you. I liked it so much the first time that I bought 5 more copies for preacher friends of mine. Tonight's devotional is taken from it. DAD

"The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him....He acquaints them with the plots of their enemies, the snares and dangers they are exposed to, and the best methods of avoiding them. And He permits and enables them to acquaint Him with all their cares, fears, wants and troubles, with more freedom than they can un-bosom themselves to their nearest earthly friends. His ear is always open to them; He is never weary of hearing their complaints, and answering their petitions. The men of this world would account it a high honour and privilege to have unrestrained liberty of access to an earthly king; but what words can express the privilege and honour of believers, who, whenever they please, have audience of the King of Kings, whose compassion, mercy, and power are, like His Majesty, infinite."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We…do not cease to pray for you…that you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing. Col. 1:9-10

Holy Father, in Thy mercy Hear our anxious prayer; Keep our loved ones, now far absent, 'Neath Thy care.
Jesus Saviour, let Thy presence be their light and guide; Keep O keep them, in their weakness, at Thy side.
When in sorrow, when in danger, when in loneliness, in Thy love look down and comfort their distress.
May the joy of Thy salvation be their strength and stay; may they love, and may they praise Thee day by day.
Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching sanctify their life; Send Thy grace that they may conquer in the strife.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God the One in Thee, Bless them, guide them, keep them near to Thee.---Isabel Stevenson, 1888

My prayer for each of you, Dad

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where are you now?

Dear Family,
The McCain campaign is going after the Obama campaign over the Bill Ayers connection. Ayers is a terrorist who tried to bomb the Pentagon about 35 years ago. Obaba has been, and still is, his friend and has served on boards with him in Chicago for years. He says it is dirty politics for McCain/Palin to attack him on this issue because he was only 8 years old at the time of the bombing. That argument is so disingenuous that I'd think the Obama camp would be ashamed to make it. It is not what Obama was 35 years ago but what he is now! They have worked and served on boards together in Chicago for years. To this day he remains a friend of Ayers. Although he repudiates the bombing I have yet to see him apologize for his past friendship and associations with the unrepentant terrorist. It looks like your choice on Nov. 4 will be to vote for godless socialism (Obama and Biden call it “redistribution of wealth'”) or John McCain, who admittedly is soft on some issues important to us, but at least his middle name is Sidney, not Hussein)!.

Now I want to switch gears and ask you about your relationship with Christ today? There are millions of professing Christians who think their "decision for Christ" will get them to heaven. There is little or no evidence that they are a Christian in fellowship with the Lord today. Who are your friends? Who do you like to fellowship with? Is their any fruit in your life? Is Christ your Lord today? What took place years ago won't do on that great judgment day if there has not been evidence of sanctifying grace since. The Bible asks where we are now?--not what we did in the past. You may not know when you passed from death unto life but you better know if you are in Christ today. Don't be satisfied that your child has "accepted Christ" if there is no evidence of change in their life. "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" II Cor. 5:17. Many a mother is praying their child will come back to Christ when they ought to be praying for their salvation. That would make a big difference in how they pray!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Presidential Debate

Tonight I watched the debate between the two men who want to be our next president. Our once proud nation, under God, is now a sad shell on the brink of economic disaster. One man promoted a change to godless socialism while the other also offered a godless solution of somehow digging ourselves out. Of course neither man dared mention anything about God or his word. A few days ago both men voted to print an additional seven hundred thousand million dollars to prop up an economy that has long left the free enterprise system put in place by our founders. Banks are going under, billions in retirement funds are gone. One of the solutions voted for was to up the amount the government will guarantee should your bank go under. What government? If your senator or representative voted against that package send them a note of thanks There has never been a time in my lifetime, which includes 4 wars, when it has been more needful for this nation to turn to God in repentance. It is imperative that each of you stay close to the Lord for He is our only hope.

"Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me the Fountain of Living Waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Proverbs 17:6 Old Man’s Crown – #28 Aliya Grace

A week ago today I had an early morning call. I knew before I heard Judson's message what had taken place. Aliya Grace was crying her lungs out! Tucker had a sister! Another gift of God's grace. Judson and Maria will need much prayer and wisdom as they bring Tucker and Aliya Grace up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. ! By God's grace I know Judson, with the help of his good wife, will be the glory of Tucker and Aliya Grace. That makes 28 who are the crown of this old man and his wife.

"Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers."

"Gracious children and parents reflect honor upon each other. Such parents rejoice in the number and growth of their children. Such children regard their father's name as their glory. May not godly parents under grace educate their children by example, no less than by precept---may
they not look for a 'godly seed'---children who shall acknowledge infinite, eternal obligations to parental faith and godliness?"---Charles Bridges

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


When I was in my late twenties I had to make a difficult decision about the mission organization I was with. After a lot of heart-searching prayer, I resigned. The mission asked a man well known in evangelical circles to write me and ask me to reconsider. I was amazed that a man that well known would even write me a letter. After reminding me that I was still a young man and that my resignation was a bad decision, he used James 3:13-18 to try to convince me to change my mind. I took that into consideration but never wavered in the decision I had made. I felt his emphasis from that scripture was the part that states "easy to be intreated". This morning while reading a book about "Courageous Christianity" by Dr. M.L. Jones I was reminded of that scripture. I thought of how many times over the years I had to ask myself when facing a difficult problem or decision if I was being "easy to be intreated"? That does not mean you compromise Biblically held convictions. However, do we not often selfishly, or proudly, insist on having our own way in something or the other without lovingly considering the effect it will have on others? This virtue is especially needed in order to have harmony in the home. Husbands, wives, dads, moms, young people, can it be said of you that you are "easy to be entreated?" I have made this part of my prayer for many of you over the years. Are you wondering if it is you that I have in mind when I pray that? It probably is!


Sunday, September 28, 2008


"When a tear is wept by thee, think not that the Lord doth not behold; for, 'Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him'. Thy sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah; thy whisper can incline His heart unto thee; thy prayer can stay His hand; thy faith can move His arm. Think not that God sits on high taking no account of thee. Remember that however poor and needy thou art, yet the Lord thinketh upon thee."--- CHS

O late there have been some tears, some sighs, some whispers and prayers--this meditation by Spurgeon has been an encouragement to me. I hope it is to you also. Dad

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Dear Family,

Paul tells in Romans 1:16 that he is "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.." I'm wondering if we have not watered down our personal evangelism to the point where it is not evangelism at all? Many of us witnessed to the lost with almost a wild abandonment when we were first saved. We told everyone we met about Christ and what he had done for us. We tried to share with them the good news and urged them to believe it too. In our zeal in witnessing to friends and relatives we made lots of mistakes and sometimes said things, and used methods we wouldn't use today. But at least we did it. Then as time went on we cooled off and eventually got to the place where we seldom got to the point in our witnessing but spent out time "breaking the ice" thinking this would help us reach the person later. We rationalized and explained to our conscience why it was really best not to share the gospel at that time to that particular person. Inviting people to church became our "gospel". Bill O'Reilly prides himself in conducting a "no spin', 'get right to the point' news program. I wonder if we who have been transformed from death to life by the marvelous grace of God could learn something here. If we are "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth," should we not be bolder to give a "no spin" direct witness to the lost? Let's try to keep in mind that every person we talk to whether in person, or on the phone is a soul who will spend eternity somewhere. Don't use ignorance as an excuse. John 3:16 is the gospel. If you know nothing else, you can quote that. You will not regret it.

Today 5 men stopped by the house. Three of them were from Montana. I broke the ice by telling them that 50 years ago I fished some of the rivers in Montana. Then while 4 of them were busy elsewhere, I was able to draw one of them aside. I asked him some questions and found he'd just been discharged from the army after 33 years of service. He'd been to Iraqi 3 times and had parachuted into Afghanistan. I thanked him for serving our country. Then I asked him if he was afraid while in combat and what he thought about death. He said he'd discovered that there were no "foxhole atheists." I was able to share the gospel with him and gave him a tract I'd written with my testimony on it. By his language I knew he was not a believer.(it changed during our conversation) This 58 year old man got quiet, took out his wallet, and folded it carefully and put it in his wallet and we shook hands and went our ways. I try to use the pattern Jesus set for us in John chapter 4 when he dealt with the woman at the well. In closing this epistle I want to urge you to try to convey a 'no spin' gospel to someone this week.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Ps. 90:12

"How soon will some few years pass away, and then when the day is ended, and this life's lease expired, what have men of the world's glory, but dreams and thoughts? O happy soul for evermore, who can rightly compare this life with that long-lasting life to come, and can balance the weighty glory of the one with the light golden vanity of the other."

--Samuel Rutherford

Monday, September 22, 2008


Tonight I would like to quote some of the content from Spurgeon's morning devotional for September 17.

"Children are a precious gift from God, but much anxiety comes with them. They may be a great joy or a great bitterness to their parents; they may be filled with the Spirit of God, or possessed with the spirit of evil. In all cases, the Word of God gives us one receipt for the curing of all their ills, 'Bring them unto me'. O for more agonizing prayer on their behalf while they are yet babes!…Our cries for our offspring should precede those cries which betoken their actual advent into a world of sin. In the days of their youth we shall see sad tokens of that dumb and deaf spirit which will neither pray aright, nor hear the voice of God in their soul…When they are grown up they may wallow in sin and foam with enmity against God; then when our hearts are breaking we should remember the great Physician's words, 'Bring them unto me'. Never must we cease to pray until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless while Jesus lives.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Dear Family,
On September 14th I wrote to encourage you to "prevent the dawning of the morning" (Ps. 119:147) and to get up early to spend time in reading the word of God and prayer. I've heard from several of you on this and would like to hear that more of you have established this as a daily habit. One mother wrote that her eight year old got out of bed rubbing his eyes and asked for his Bible so he could read before breakfast. Tonight I'd like to urge you to regularly have an evening devotional time also. This will be more difficult as you will be tired and find it hard to concentrate, so I'd like to send you a brief guideline.

1. Read and meditate on the morning psalm again.
2. Make a quiet review of my day.
3. Confess today’s sins. (I hope this doesn't take long!)
4. Intercede for those I met today.
5. Intercede for those on my heart.
6. Thanksgiving for the blessings received today.

You may already an established an evening time with the Lord but I thought this might be a help to you who find it difficult. I'm not sure where I got this but I'm sure it is not original with me. Let me know if this helps or if you'd like to add something to this list.

Blessings on each of you, DAD

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Think gently of the erring:
Ye know not the power
With which the dark temptation came
In some unguarded hour.
Ye may not how earnestly
They struggled, or how well,
Until the hour of weakness came
And sadly thus they fell.

Think gently of the erring:
Oh! do not thou forget
However darkly stained by sin
He is thy brother yet;
Heir of the selfsame heritage,
Child of the selfsame God,
He has but stumbled in the path
Thou hast in weakness trod.

Speak gently of the erring:
For is it not enough
That innocence and peace have gone,
Without thy censure rough?
It sure must be a weary lot,
That sin-stained heart to bear,
And those who share a happier fate
Their chidings well may spare.

Speak gently to the erring:
Thou yet may'st lead them back
With holy words and tones of love,
From misery's thorny track:
Forget not thou hast often sinned,
And sinful yet must be;
Deal gently with the erring, then,
As God has dealt with thee. --Julia Carney

Friday, September 19, 2008


Dear Family,

Your mother is blessed with the ability to fall asleep quickly and to sleep
soundly through the night. If you are blessed in that way, thank the Lord
every morning when you wake up. Don't take it for granted, for you are
exceptionally blessed. I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I've
slept soundly throughout the night in a year. Sometimes I get up and pray
rather than lay in bed wide awake. The psalmist said: "I will both lay me
down in peace and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety."
Psalm 4:8.

If any of you have this problem, you might pray this prayer when you go to
bed. I don't know the author.

When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
No powers of darkness me molest.

Goodnight, Dad&GP

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Isaiah 27:8 - East Wind

Anytime you read about an "east wind" in the Bible, it involves
something bad, oftentimes disaster. I have had many "east winds" in my
lifetime, but I am so thankful that the Lord "stayeth His rough wind in
the day of the east wind!”

Goodnight, Dad & GP

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" Ps 107: 8, 15, 21, 31

Good evening family. I enjoyed Psalm 107 today and would like share some of the blessing with you.

Four times we have the same verse recorded in response to what the Lord has done when He hears their cry.

1. They found no city to dwell in and they were hungry and thirsty until their soul fainted within them. "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses" vv. 4-8.

2. They rebelled against the words of God and condemned His counsel. Therefore He brought down their heart with labor; they fell down and their was none to help. "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He save them out of their distresses" vv. 11-14.

3. They drew near to the gates of death to the point where they no longer desired food. "Then they cry unto the lord in their trouble and He saveth them out of their distresses" vv. 18-20.

4. They get into such trouble as they do business in "great waters" when they “go down to the sea in ships," that they are at their "wit's end." "Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He bringeth them out of their distresses" vv. 23-30.

Four times in trouble, four times they cry out to the Lord for help. Four times He hears their prayer and deliverers them. Perhaps you haven't experienced any of these kinds of troubles yet, but you will! When you do, don't forget how the Psalmist responded as recorded four times! As we look at the condition of our nation all of these troubles could come in your lifetime. Love, Dad and GP

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Tonight my heart is sad since I have had a day of sobering news. I have met Pastor John Vaughn from Greenville, S.C. several times and have taken him fishing here in Alaska a couple of times. He has eaten at our table and never forgets to compliment Mom's cooking when I see him. He took particular interest when Kevin died and had his church have special prayer for Vicky when he heard her testimony. Today the headline in the Greenville News ran: "CHAPLAIN'S SON DIES IN TAYLORS COLLISION" Pastor Vaughn's 28 year old son, Daniel died from injuries incurred last night at 11 pm when he was hit by 2 cars while attempting to cross Wade Hampton Blvd. "he was a brilliant young man and full of life." John Vaughn said. "He brought much laughter to the people who knew him and loved him."

I had a couple of emails last night telling of a death in that horrible train accident in California last week. While we were on the mission field in Japan, Edith Long was a special friend who prayed for us. We met her at Hampton Park Baptist Church. She was a German language teacher at BJU. She went to be with the Lord on September 7th. Some of her family were on that train as they were returning home from the funeral. Her son Paul joined her in heaven and Paul's wife and son were injured but will survive.

The third tragedy happened to a an elderly couple who were walking on the sidewalk on Oakdale Drive near their Greenville home last evening. A vehicle drove onto the sidewalk, struck and killed them both, and kept on going. Bill Carey was 70 and his wife Ruth was 65. Their son Billy Carey Jr. said his parents took walks every morning and had been married nearly 46 years. They had four children and six grandchildren. "If I could have made my parents, I couldn't have made them any better," he said. Carey said his father was a deacon at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. His mother taught Sunday School. They lived in a brick ranch-style house for about 40 years. Aaron Carey, 16, said he had been turkey hunting with his grandfather and had been looking forward to hunting deer with him for the first time. "I loved hunting with my grandpa," he said. "We'd go to Hardee's before and get some biscuits and gravy. He loved that."

One 27, another probably about 45, and a couple 65 and 70--four souls in eternity for no fault of their own. My dear children and grandchildren we can't be prepared for deaths like these, but we can be prepared for the judgment that will follow.

Monday, September 15, 2008








I trust each of you can say "AMEN" to these four blessings from the Lord--Love, Dad and GP

Saturday, September 13, 2008


If you are not starting your day by reading your Bible may I encourage you to begin. Don't use the excuse that you are not a "morning person" or you can't get up that early or something. If you are not practicing early morning devotions I would like you to start tomorrow and do it for a month. Don't get sidetracked but diligently pursue this for the entire month. Then let me know how it worked out. If after a month you are unable to keep this up or think it not worth the price of losing sleep then let me know that too. I know you don't have time like I do but take at least half an hour to read and pray and you won't ever regret it. If I went to my grave knowing my 9 children, their spouses, and 28 grandchildren practiced this each morning without fail even for 10 or 15 minutes each day I could wish no greater joy. Love, Dad

"Early prayers are undisturbed by the agitating cares of life,...O my soul canst thou say that thou "prevented the dawning of the morning" in thy approaches to God? Has the desire of communion with heaven raised thee from thy slumbers, shaken off thy sloth, and carried thee to thy knees?'---John Morison

"Morning devotion anchors the soul so that it will not readily drift away from God during the day." C H Spurgeon

"He who rushes from his bed to his business and waiteth not to worship, is as foolish as as though he had not put on his clothe, or cleansed his face, as unwise as though he dashed into battle without arms or armour. --CHS

Friday, September 12, 2008


I enjoyed God's word so much this morning that it was hard to know what to pass on to you. When I finished reading I picked up my Trinity hymnbook as I always do before prayer. The hymn today was by Fanny Crosby. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" The words I chose to send you were: "Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there, Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears, Only a few more trials, only a few more tears, Firm on the Rock of ages Ever my trust shall be, Here let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er, Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'er shaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest."

Love, Dad

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Recently one of you declared after praying fervently for something and seemingly receiving no answer, "I'm prayed out". I have often felt that way too and have wondered if the Lord had heard my prayer. Some times I have quit praying altogether for something or the other, wondering if the Lord ever heard? "..if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us and if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. Last week while reading Luke chapter one, verse 13 grabbed my attention. The angel came to a fearful, troubled Zacharias and told him that his prayer had been heard and his wife Elisabeth would bear a son and to call his name John. I thought about Zacharias and how he and his wife must have begun to pray for a child soon after they were married for she was "barren". (vs. 7) They must have continued praying for many years but eventually gave up for they were both old and"well stricken in years"(vs 18) Now 50 or 60 years later an angel announces that God had heard their prayer! Zach got in trouble for doubting this as we see in verse 20. Let's continue to pray and believe God whatever the circumstances.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dear Children and Grandchildren

Sept. 10, 2008
I have enjoyed the Word of God more than I ever have since I am no longer preaching 3 or 4 times a week and am not pressed for time. Some times I find things I'd like to share with all of you, or some of you individually. With your mother's encouragement I'd like to start a "Bible Blog" and share some of my thoughts with you. Last night I told Joanna that I opened a can of "Pork and Beans" for supper, (your mother is in Arizona helping Becky while Adam recuperates from a serious operation) but I found no pork so I renamed it "Beans and Beans". With a hearty laugh she wondered if I had "looked under every bean?' I trust what I send you will have some "pork" but if you find it to be only "beans" just push the delete button.

Ps.119:168 "I have kept Thy precepts and Thy testimonies: for all my ways are before Thee," As you were growing up one of the things I was careful to emphasize in our daily devotions was that the time would come when you would no longer be under the eye of Mom and Dad but you would never be out of sight of God's eye. What an encouragement we find here to keep God's Word. "all my ways are before Thee,"

"Experience makes many a paradox plain, and this is one. Before God we may be clear of open fault and yet at the same time mourn over a thousand heart-wanderings which need his restoring hand."--C.H. Spurgeon

"I may hide Thee from my eye, but not myself from Thine eye."--Wm. Gurnall