In my last letter I began what will be a series of letters of instructions on the subject of THE SPECIAL DUTIES OF CHILDREN TOWARDS THEIR PARENTS from the book Baxter’s Practical Works by Richard Baxter. Though it was written almost 400 years ago it is still full of practical instruction for today. Your mother and I are becoming more and more agitated at some of the standards that are becoming acceptable in the Christian community. We are often accused of being old fashioned or not being able to “adjust to the times.” Some of this may be true, but when we observe immodesty in dress and hear some of the music that has become acceptable in Christian circles we are filled with dismay. Many of our evangelical churches are including what is called a “contemporary service” for those who are more up to date as to music and dress. It is difficult to separate a pastor from the standards he allows, however good the sermon may be. I realize what I have just said is different than the subject I am writing from Baxter. However, I believe there is a direct correlation to the way children treat their parents when they are young and the kind of church they choose to attend when they are older.
DIRECTION II - “Honor your parents both in your thoughts, and speeches, and behavior. Think not dishonorably or contemptuously of them in your hearts. Speak not dishonorably, rudely, irreverently, or saucily, either to them or of them. Behave not yourselves rudely and irreverently before them. Yea, though your parents be never so poor in the world, or weak of understanding, yea, though they were ungodly, you must honor them not withstanding all of this; though you cannot honor them as rich, or wise, or godly, you must honor them as your parents. Remember that the fifth commandment hath a special promise of temporal blessing; “Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long in the land.”
“There are five sorts of sinners that God uses to overtake with vengeance even in this life.
• Perjured persons and false witnesses.
• Murderers.
• Persecutors
• Sacrilegious persons. And,
• Abusers and dishonorers of their parents.
“It is a fearful thing to see and hear how some ill-bred ungodly children will talk contemptuously and rudely to their parents, and wrangle and contend with them, and contradict them, and speak to them as if they were equals.”
Dad’s addition:
In Romans 1:24-32 we find the sin of sodomy and God giving them up to “vile affections” and “a reprobate mind.” Included in the terrible list of sins they are “filled with” is “disobedient to parents.”
I have you all in my heart,
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